Sunday, June 8, 2014

Das Karneval der Kulturen and Dresden!

Yesterday, I went to this giant festival in Kreuzberg called Das Karneval des Kulturen (which means exactly what it sounds like). It's basically a huge festival with all the cultures of Berlin. There were food booths and vendors from all over the world: African, China, Vietnam, Brazil, Yemen, Russia, India, America, and of course Germany! I didn't really get a lot of pictures because I was looking around and enjoying all the sights, sounds, and smells. I wanted to get more video of the street musicians but my batteries in my camera and I didn't have a chance to change them until later in the evening...but I did get some cool videos of a couple of the live musical performances, which you can see on my Facebook.

Today, I went to Dresden, which is in Saxony. It was like a little over two hours from Berlin, so not so far but it was a really nice trip. I wish I would've had more time to see some of the sights but it was still awesome! Dresden is a lovely city; it's not too big but it has some beautiful architecture and really nice squares. I would have liked more time to see some of the museums and stuff, but oh well. I saw one art museum, which was nice, but photography wasn't allowed so you'll have to make due with these pictures!

A very famous center in Dresden.

Yummy! Crepes with feta and spinach!

"Die Frauenkirche"
All the dark-colored stones were part of the original structure, which was destroyed during an air-raid in WW2, but when the church was rebuilt, the architects found the structural origins of each of those stones and placing them exactly where they were before. 

The lighter colored materials are all new and part of the rebuilding.

This is a Protestant Church, by the way, so here's a statue of Martin Luther.

Those spires belong to the Catholic Church in Dresden, which stands on the River Elbe.

This is the Finance Center in Dresden.

And here is the Parliament House.

So here we have the beautiful Catholic Church of Dresden. 

And the Opera House.

And here's the Palace.

And a wall mural.

So, there you have it. Not too much since I couldn't get pictures inside the museum but it was a very nice experience. And I would definitely recommend anyone coming to Germany a day in Dresden, although I hear it's a bit expensive. But that's all I've got for now! Bis Später!!

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