Friday, June 6, 2014

Breakin' Mozart!

Ok, so tonight I saw something amazing. A variety show called "Breakin' Mozart," which features the music of Mozart and talents of the DDC Company.

It was definitely the best thing I've seen in Berlin so far! So the show is based around the music of Mozart (obviously); there was a pianist and an opera singer, but some of the songs were dubbed with electronic beats, which was awesome, and others were beatboxed by this guy called Robeat (check him out on YouTube!). THe show incorporates variety entertainment, mostly dancing: break dancing (as the name implies), ballet, hip-hop dancing, opera, acrobatics. They did a rendition of my favorite Mozart operatic piece, "Der Holle Rache" (if you don't know what that is, you can listen to it here) in which the opera singer sang but the melody/rhythm was electronic. It was awesome! Also, that Robeat guy is one of the best beatboxers I've heard! He totally blew my mind! And the talent of these people is incredible. I see the way they're able to move and I'm just like, how does the human body do that?! But it's great! I really would like to go back if I could but this is the last weekend it's showing. I was I had gone earlier, like I intended to, that way I could have gone twice! The only drawback was that I didn't have anyone to share the experience with, since I went alone.

Unfortunately, photography isn't allowed so I have no other pictures than those I can find on the internet. But it was a great experience anyway! Now my mission is to see if I can find some of the dubbed songs somewhere...and who knows? Maybe one day the DDC company will take their show across the Atlantic!

If you want, you can check out the trailer here. 

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